Chapter 144 : Chapter 144 Honor Due the Rebbe the Aged, the Scholar, and the Kohein.
You must honor and fear your
Rebbe [teacher] more than your father, because your father [only] brought you to life in this world, but your
Rebbe brings you to life in the World to Come.
It is written, "In the presence of the elderly you shall rise and you shall respect an elder." "An elder," in this context refers to a Torah scholar as it is said, "Gather to me seventy men from the elders of Yisrael" (and there certainly the situation called for wisdom as it is written, "Whom you know to be the elders of the people and its officers.") Therefore, it is a positive command to rise before a Torah scholar who is distinguished in the knowledge of Torah, even if he is not advanced in years and is not your teacher. It is also a mitzvah to rise before an elderly person if he is at least seventy years old, even if he is an ignorant person, provided he is not a wicked person. Even to an elderly person who is not Jewish, you should talk respectfully and give him a helping hand.
When three people, (one of whom is a Rav,) are walking together, the Rav should walk in the middle. The other two should fall back slightly and walk at his side, the older one on the right and the younger one on the left.
It is a grave sin to humiliate
talmidei chachomim or to hate them. Jerusalem was not destroyed until they began to humiliate
talmidei chachomim, as it is said, "But they mocked the messengers of God and disgraced His words, and scoffed at His prophets." That is to say they humiliated those who teach His words. This is also what the Torah says, "And if you will despise My statutes," [that is to say] "If you despise those who teach My statutes." And anyone who humiliates Torah scholars has no portion in the World to Come, and he is included among those of whom it is said: "For He has denigrated the word of Adonoy." It is forbidden to make servile use of one who studies Torah laws.
If a Torah scholar has merchandise to sell we do not permit anyone to sell such merchandise until he sells his merchandise. This is true only when there is no gentile selling such merchandise. But if a gentile is selling [such merchandise] this is not so because the Torah scholar will not profit from this, and it will needlessly cause loss to the other Jews.
To be accepted as a Torah scholar in his generation, one must be competent to discuss and debate topics of [the Written and Oral] Torah, and have proper understanding of most of the Talmud and Codes of Law, and Torah study is his main occupation. Even if he has a profession or a business with which to support himself, and provide the needs of his family, but not [necessarily] to amass wealth; and whenever he is free from his occupation he studies Torah; [if all these requirements apply to him then] according to the Law he is exempt from all forms of taxes and levies even if he is wealthy. And even the personal tax that is incumbent upon each person, the townsmen are obligated to pay for him. [However] everything is dependent on the discretion of the elected town leaders.
A scholar who slights the mitzvos and is not God-fearing, is to be treated like the insignificant men of the community.
When a
kohein and an Israelite are equal in Torah scholarship it is a positive Scriptural mitzvah to give precedence to the
kohein, as it is said, "You shall sanctify Him." And our Rabbis, of blessed memory, explained that it refers to all matters of sanctity; that in all matters of importance he should be sanctified. He is to be called first to the Torah reading, and to be the first speaker at all public gatherings, and to speak first and expound on the Torah. He should also speak first in the yeshivah. Also at a meal, he is first to say the
Berachah of
Hamotzi and to lead the
Birkas Hamazon. He should be given the choice portion before the others who are dining, unless an Israelite is present who is greater than him in Torah [learning], in which case you should give the scholar the choice portion. But when a
kohein divides a partnership with his friend, an Israelite, the Israelite need not give him the better share, for it is not honorable for the
kohein to take the better share, for one who covets the better share will never see a sign of blessing. When a
kohein is not present it is best to give preference to a Levi before an Israelite in all things mentioned here, if they are equal in Torah scholarship.
It is forbidden to make servile use of a
kohein. This applies even in our time, and it is like taking unwarranted benefit of a sacred object. As it is said, "You shall sanctify him for he offers the bread of your God." And even now though we have no sacrifices, he retains his sanctity. If the
kohein wants to forego the honors due him, he may do so for the
kehunah is his possession and he may forego its honors, and permit an Israelite to use him as a servant. And certainly he may give the Israelite the honor of preceding him in the aforementioned matters.