Chapter 123 : Chapter 123 Laws Concerning Erev Tishah beAv
When a
bris or a
pidyon haben occur on
erev Tishah beAv, the festive meal should be held before noon.
You should not go for a walk on
erev Tishah beAv; and in the afternoon, it is the custom to study only the subjects you are permitted to study on
Tishah beAv.
Concerning the final meal before the fast, there are many laws. The correct custom is to eat a regular meal before the
Minchah service. After that, you pray
Minchah, omitting
Tachanun, because
Tishah beAv is called a
Moed as it is written, "He has proclaimed a
Moed for me" (Lamentations 1:15). Towards evening, you should sit on the floor but it is not necessary to take off your shoes. Three people should not sit down (to eat) together, so that they will not be required (to recite
Birkas Hamazon) with
zimun. You should eat only bread and a cold hard-boiled egg. You should dip a small piece of bread in ashes and eat it. You should be careful to finish the meal while it is still day. (Whether you are permitted to eat after this, see 131:12 below).
If a person fasts throughout the year on Mondays and Thursdays, and
erev Tishah beAv occurs on either of these days, he should have his vow annulled. If someone observes
Yahrtzeit on
erev Tishah beAv, he should resolve on the first
Yahrtzeit, to fast only until noon has passed, then he should pray
Minchah gedolah (early
Minchah), that is, half-an-hour past noon, eat a meal, and afterwards towards evening, he should eat the final meal.
During twilight, you are forbidden to do all that is forbidden on
Tishah beAv. You must, therefore, take off your shoes before twilight.