Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried
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Chapter 27 : The Laws Pertaining to Torah Study
After prayer, one should establish a fixed time for Torah study. This session needs to be firmly established and not be skipped, even if one thinks (by doing this) to make a great profit. If one needs to do a very pressing matter, one should first learn at least one verse or one law, deal with the pressing matter, and then complete the regular study session. In some pious communities, study groups have been established to study Torah together immediately after prayer, and every G-d fearing person should join in with them.
Every Jewish man is obliged to study Torah, whether poor or rich, healthy or suffering from physical hardships, whether young or very old. Even a poor person who begs for his livelihood must fix for himself a time for Torah study during the day and at night, as it is said: 1 "You shall think about it day and night." One who does not know at all how to study or it is not possible for him because of many distractions, should provide for others who study. This will be considered as if one studied oneself, as explained 2 our sages, of blessed memory, on the verse 3 "Rejoice Zevulun, when you go out, and Yissachar in your tents." Yissachar and Zevulun established a partnership, Zevulun would be involved in trade and provide Yissachar with his livelihood, in order for him to be free to study Torah. Therefore, the verse puts Zevulun before Yissacher, since Yissacher's Torah was due to Zevulun. Similarly, we find in the Mishna 4 "Shimon, the brother of Azaryah, said..". And (the Sages explain) that Shimon was called (also) by his brother, Azaryah's name, since Azaryah was involved in commerce and supported his brother Shimon, who studied Torah. They agreed that Azaryah would share in the merit from Shimon's Torah study. Nevertheless, everyone should make an effort to study it (Torah), even only a little, every day and every night.
- Joshua 1:8.
- Bereishit Rabba 99.
- Deuteronomy 33:18.
- Zevachim 1:2.
One who cannot make Torah study the main activity, but has established fixed times for Torah study, should use these sessions that were set to study the halachot which are common and necessary for every Jew to know. Also (one should study) the aggadot and midrashim, and those (Musar) ethical texts which are based on the holy sayings from the midrashim of our Sages, of blessed memory. They are helpful in weakening the power of the evil impulse. Happy is the person who has made a fixed and unbreakable commitment to the study of the book "Chok l'Yisrael" which is (Tanach, Mishnah, Gemorah), in daily portions of study. Whoever increases (his Torah study) is given increased blessings from Heaven.
When one is studying and is forced to go out, the book should not be left open, for by this one will forget one's studies.
One should take care on everything he studies to say it out loud, so that one can hear one's voice as it states: 1 "This Torah scroll shall not depart from your mouth, and you shall think about it..." 2 One who says (words of Torah) out aloud even if not understanding them fulfills the mitzvah of Torah study. 3 Therefore, an unlearned person says the blessings for Torah study every morning before the verses and also when one is called to the Torah. Whoever occupies himself with Torah study, and is not able to understand because of one's limited knowledge, will merit to understand it in the world to come.
- Joshua 1:8.
- Eruvin 54a. 3) The above applies only to study of the written law (Torah sheb'ktav). A person receives credit for study of the oral law (Torah sheb'al peh) only if he comprehends the subject matter.
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