Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried
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Chapter 25 : Laws relating to Ashrei and Uva Letziyon to the Conclusion of the Prayers.
When saying "Happy (are they)..." and "A Praise (hymn) of David", 1 one should concentrate intently. Particularly, on the verse "You open Your hand ...", one should concentrate immensely.
- Psalm 145.
Afterwards, we say 1 "For the Chief Musician ...", and these are the days when we don't say it: 2 Rosh Hodesh, Hanukah, and Purim, 3 and this is the law in a leap year on the 14th and 15th of the first Adar, the day before Passover, the day before Yom Kippur, and Tisha b'Av. Also we don't say it in the home of a mourner. On a day that we don't say "For the Chief Musician...", also (the prayer) "O G-d, slow of anger..." (before opening the ark on Mon. and Thurs.) is not said.
- Psalm 20.
- In many communities, "For the Chief Musician ..." is not said on any of the days when Tachanun is omitted.
- Also on Shushan Purim.
We say the Kedusha "And there shall come to Zion..." with the (Aramaic) translation. Great care must be taken to say it with proper concentration. The (Aramaic) translation should be said quietly.
It is forbidden for a person to leave the synagogue before (saying) this Kedusha.
A person should strive to say this (Kedusha) together with the congregation. Therefore, if one comes to the synagogue while the congregation is saying it, one should say it together with them even before one's own prayers. 1 The law is that this (Kedusha) may be said (with the congregation) before the two verses i.e.; "And there shall come to Zion..." and "And as for me, this is my covenant...". Afterwards, these (two) verses should be said. How much more so is one permitted to skip "Happy (are they)..." and "For the Chief Musician ..." in order to say this Kedusha with the congregation. Afterwards, one should say (the prayers) that were skipped.
- The Mishna Berurah (Sha-arey Tzion 132:3) notes that it is not customary to do so.
One says (at the conclusion of the service, the prayer) "Upon us (is the duty) to offer praise...". It should be said with awe and reverence. It was ordained by Joshua after the conquest of Jericho. Afterwards, the psalm of the day is said and rest of the psalms, each community according to its custom.
When leaving the synagogue, one should say the verse: 1 "G-d, Lead me...". One bows opposite the ark as a student departing from his teacher. When leaving the synagogue one should not go with one's back to the ark. Rather, (one should walk) sideways. And also when one goes down from the platform. 2
- Psalms 5:9.
- Where the Torah is read.
When leaving the synagogue it is forbidden to run or to take long strides, for this makes it appear that staying in the synagogue is a burden. This applies only when one is going to one's business. However, if one is going from the synagogue to the house of study, it is a mitzvah to run.
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