Chapter 146 : Chapter 146 The Fast of the Bridegroom and Bride
It is customary that the bridegroom and the bride fast on their wedding day because on that day their sins are forgiven. They should say
Aneinu at
Minchah as on other fast days. In our area it is customary that they fast only until after the marriage ceremony. If the ceremony is delayed till the night, then, after the stars appear, they may eat something, provided they do not drink any intoxicating beverages.
Rosh Chodesh, on the day after
Shavuos, on the fifteenth day of the month of
Av, on the fifteenth day of the month of
Shevat, and also on
Chanukah and on
Shushan Purim, they do not fast. But in the month of
Nissan, even on
Rosh Chodesh (Nissan) they do fast. And so too on the thirty-third day of the
Omer, and on the days between
Rosh Chodesh Sivan and
Shavuos, and on the days between
Yom Kippur and
Sukkos, they fast.
On the days they do not fast, they must be careful not to indulge in excessive food and drink; and certainly they must be very careful to abstain from intoxicating beverages. (For some authorities say the very reason for the fast is because we are concerned they may become intoxicated and their minds would not be lucid).
The bridegroom and the bride must conduct themselves with utmost sanctity when they enter the
chupah, and they should repent on that day. They should search [review] their deeds from the day of their birth until this day, and they should confess [their sins,] and seek forgiveness, pardon, and atonement from Hashem, Blessed is He. They should confess and forsake (their evil ways). Their absolute remorse should emanate from a contrite heart. They should firmly resolve from this day onward to serve Hashem honestly and sincerely, and to be holy and pure. They should then enter the
chupah and pray that the Holy one, Blessed is He, rest His Divine Presence between them, as our Sages of blessed memory said, "A husband and wife, (if deserving), the Divine Presence is between them." It is customary for them to say the confession at the
Minchah prayer as is done the day before
Yom Kippur.