Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried
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Chapter 70 : Laws of the Maariv Prayer
The [beginning] of the Kerias Shema period of the Maariv prayer is when three small stars become visible. On a cloudy day one should wait until "the doubt leaves his heart." Nowadays it is customary for the congregation to pray Maariv immediately after Minchah, even it is not yet night in order not to burden the congregation, for it is a burden for the congregation to gather a second time. This should not be done before pelag haminchah, for then, even already having done so, they will not have fulfilled their obligation. Fortunate is one who prays Maariv with the congregation after nightfall; and between Minchah and Maariv engages in the study of Torah, so that he joins night and day with Torah. According to Kabbalah this is a significant matter. At any rate, it is fitting for any God fearing person, who prayed with the congregation before nightfall, not to eat [a meal] before nightfall. He should wait and immediately after the stars appear he should read the three chapters of Kerias Shema and then eat his meal. One who does not pray with the congregation is forbidden to pray Maariv before the stars appear.
It is preferable to pray Maariv immediately when the stars appear. It is forbidden to start a meal or do anything, even to study [Torah]. one-half hour before the stars appear, the same as it is forbidden before Minchah ketanah. If you have no time, for instance, if you teach a group [at that time], you should, at least, not delay [praying Maariv] beyond midnight. Even if you prayed after midnight, although it is after the fact, as long as it is before daybreak, you have fulfilled your obligation.
If you arrive at the synagogue for the Maariv prayer, and find the congregation about to begin the Shemoneh Esrei, even if it is before nightfall but after pelag haminchah, you should pray Shemoneh Esrei, along with them, and afterwards — after nightfall, recite Kerias Shema with the berachos. If the congregation is holding in mid-Kerias Shema and its berachos, and you have sufficient time to recite Kerias Shema and [its] berachos until Shomeir amo Yisrael la'ad, before they reach Shemoneh Esrei, you should do so and omit Baruch Hashem le'olam etc. and you are not required to say it after the prayer. If you have not yet prayed Minchah, you should pray the Shemoneh Esrei prayer of Minchah while the congregation is reciting Kerias Shema with the berachos, and wait, at least the time required to walk four amos and afterward pray the Maariv Shemoneh Esrei with the congregation. Afterwards - after nightfall you should recite Kerias Shema with the berachos.
Baruch Hashem le'olam until Yiru eineinu should be said preferably while seated. It is forbidden to interrupt from the beginning of Vehu rachum until after the Shemoneh Esrei. The Shamosh's announcements of Ya'aleh v'yavo! and Tal umator! are not considered an interruption because they are needed for the prayer.
If one person remains praying Maariv at the Synagogue at night his friend must wait until he completes his prayers so that he not be distracted. [However,] if he began to pray at a time which would not enable him to complete his prayer together with the congregation, then one is not obligated to wait for him, because it is apparent that he knowingly began this prayer because he is not afraid.
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