Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried
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Chapter 55 : Laws Concerning the Order of Precedence Relating to Berachos
If there are several kinds of fruit before you and you wish to eat from all of them, [observe the following guidelines:] if they are all subject to the same berachah, you say the berachah over the kind you like best and find most appealing. If you like all of them equally and there is among them one of the seven species for which the Land of Israel is praised. (see Chapter 51:7 above) then say the berachah over that one, even if it should he only half a fruit while the others are whole ones. But if among them there are none of the seven species and only one of them is whole, the whole one takes precedence [and you should say the berachah over it]. The same rules apply [to fruits] whose herachos are not similar, for example, if one's berachah is Borei peri ha'eitz while the other requires the berachah Borei peri ha'adamah. Since, you must say both berachos, if you prefer one kind you first recite the berachah over the favorite fruit. If you like them equally. you should first say the berachah over one of the seven species, even if it is not whole. If there are none of the seven species among them, the whole one takes precedence. But if both are whole or both arc cut, the berachah, Borei pert ha'eitz, takes precedence over the berachah. Borei pert ha'adamah.
If all the fruits are of the seven species and you like them all equally you should give precedence [in saying the berachah] to the one mentioned first in the Biblical verse. And the second time the word eretz is mentioned in the verse [which lists the seven species] interrupts the order. Consequently, dates takes precedence over grapes because dates are mentioned second after the second eretz in that verse, while grapes are in third place after the first eretz. This applies only to grapes. Since wine is so important that a special berachah has been ordained for it, it takes precedence over all kinds of fruit.
The precedence that is given to the seven species applies only if the fruit is ripe, but if the fruit is unripe it has no precedence, because the Torah does not praise anything that is not suitable. Likewise, if you eat [of the seven species] in a way that you cannot enjoy it, for instance, if you would eat wheat in its raw form, the laws of precedence do not apply.
If there is before you a kind of food over which the berachah, Borei peri ha'eitz, or the berachah, Borei peri ha'adamah, is said, and another kind over which you say Shehakol, and you wish to eat of both kinds, the berachos, Borei peri ha'eitz and Borei peri ha'adamah, take precedence. These two berachos are [more] important, because they are more specific, for they exempt only one particular kind of food; whereas Shehakol is a berachah that embraces a great number of foods. Even if the food over which Shehakol is said appeals to you more, nevertheless, you should give precedence to the berachos Borei peri ha'eitz or Borei peri ha'adamah.
The berachah, Borei minei mezonos, takes precedence even over the berachah over wine; needless to say that the berachah, Hamotzi, [takes precedence over wine] for [Hamotzi] takes precedence even over the berachah, Borei minei mezonos. Therefore, on Shabbos and Yom tov when you recite the kiddush over wine, you should cover the bread [Sabbath loaves] so that it should not see its shame when we give precedence to the wine. Likewise, in the morning, when you recite the kiddush and then eat a variety of cake and pastry, during kiddush the cake should be covered while the Kiddush is said.
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