Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried
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Chapter 49 : The Laws of Berachos on Wine [and the Berachah of] Hatov Vehameitiv
Just as bread has, because of its importance, been given a special berachah, Hamotzi, rather than Boray minеi mezonos — the berachah on all foods made of the five species of grain; so has wine been honored with its own berachah — Borey pri hagafen. This is so because wine not only satiates, but, also gladdens the heart (Ps. 104) (Maseches Berachos 35). Additionally, wine has other qualities as evidenced by the requirement that the kiddush and havdallah, as well as sheva berachos, are said over wine. In addition, wine was also assigned its own after-berachah, i.e. Al Ha'gefen.
This chapter deals with determining at what point in the process of wine preparation does it achieve the status of "wine", and at what point of its deterioration does it turn into "vinegar," losing thе status of "wine."
The berachah on wine is Borei peри hagafen and after [drinking it] Al hagefen, etc. It makes no difference whether the wine is still bubbling [or not]. Even if [the wine] is flowing of its own accord, even cooked wine or konditin, that is [wine] into which were added honey and/or spices or wormwood which is bitter. Even if the wine smells like vinegar as long as it has the taste of wine, it is considered wine as far as its berachah is concerned. But, if it has turned vinegary, to the extent that some people refrain from drinking it because of its sour taste, then the berachah is in question. (And although you can say the berachah, Shehakol, before drinking it, there is still a question about the after-berachah.) Therefore, you should not drink it unless you first make a berachah over good wine [and drink it.]
Concerning grape seeds from which wine was extracted only by means of trampling, but which were not pressed in a [heavy duty] wine press, the following should be noted: if water was poured upon them, even if they recovered no more [water] than they poured [on them], or even if they recovered less, nevertheless, if it has the taste of wine, the berachah is Borei peri hagafen. But, if the seeds were pressed in a [heavy duty] wine press and then the water was poured on them or they poured water upon the residue [in the vat from which all the seeds were removed], it is considered as water.
If wine was diluted with water, and the wine is only one sixth of the mixture (i.e., five parts water to one part wine), the wine is definitely nullified, and it is considered as water. But, if it has more wine [than one sixth], and it is the custom of the people of that area to dilute it to that degree and to drink it as wine, the berachah over it is Borei peri hagafen and afterwards Al hagefen. However if the people of that area do not drink it as wine, the individual's opinion does not count [and the berachah is Shehakol].
Just as bread, if eaten as part of a meal, exempts all sorts of food [from a berachah], so does wine, when it is part of a wine repast, exempt other beverages from a pre-berachah and from an after-berachah. This is so only if the beverages were before you at the time you said the berachah over the wine or at the very least it was your intention to drink those beverages. But, if they were not before you, and it was not your intention to drink them, it is an unresolved question [among the poskim] if you must say a berachah on them or not. Therefore, you should refrain from drinking them [i.e., those beverages] until after you recite the after-berachah on the wine, or you may make the berachah, Shehakol, on some food and keep in mind to include those [late arriving] beverages.
If you did not "sit down to a repast of wine," but drank in a casual manner and you also did not intend to drink other beverages, you are certainly required to make the pre-berachah on the other beverages. However, there is still a question about the after-berachah - whether [the other beverages are] exempt by the berachah Al hagefen that you say on the wine. Therefore, you should eat any fruit whose after-berachah is Borei nafashos rabos [in order] to exempt the [other] beverages.
If you recite kiddush over wine and intend to drink vodka, whiskey, and the like or coffee afterwards, there is a question if they were exempted by the berachah [made] over the wine. Therefore, you should have in mind not to exempt them [while saying Bore: per: hagafen]. Still [in order to satisfy all sides of the question], you should say the berachah, Shehakol, over a bit of sugar [candy, or the like], [and have in mind] to exempt also the beverages [whiskey, coffee, etc.]
When you say a berachah over wine during the meal and there are other people present, you should [first] say: Savri Rabbosai, meaning: "Pay attention to hear me," so that they will stop eating and listen to the berachah.
If a group was drinking one kind of wine, whether during the meal or not during the meal, and another kind of wine was brought, they need not say Borei peri hagafen over the new wine, since they did not "reconsider" nor "remove their thought" from the wine, but they do say over the new wine the berachah, Hatov vehameitiv. Likewise, if they brought a third kind of wine, they also say over it: Hatov vehameitiv. The same [applies] to [as] many [wines] that are brought out. (We learn this from the conduct of Rebbe who, over every new jug of wine that was opened would say the berachah, Hatov vehameitiv.)
If they actually "reconsidered" in the manner that requires them to say the berachah Borei peri hagafen a second time, they should first say the berachah, Hatov vehameitiv, and afterwards the berachah, Borei peri hagafen.
The berachah Hatov vehameitiv is [said] only when [the quality of the second wine] is unknown, [that is,] you are not certain that the second [wine] is of a lesser quality than the first; though you do not know if it is a better quality than the first wine. But, if it is known to be of a lesser quality than the first [of wine], the berachah is not said over it. However, if it is more healthful for the body than the first [wine], though it is inferior in taste, we do say the berachah Hatov vehameitiv over it.
Even if you had both wines, but they were not before you, when you said the berachah Borei peri hagafen, you should say the berachah, Hatov vehameitiv, over the superior second wine. But, if they were both before you on the table, you do not say the berachah Hatov vehameitiv. You then say Borei peri hagafen over the better wine and it will exempt the poorer quality [wine].
The berachah, Hatov vehameitiv, is said only if there is still some of the original wine [on the table] and you want to drink the second wine in order to have variety. But, if they are now bringing the second wine [to the table] because the first wine has been consumed, the berachah [Hatov vehameitiv] is not said over it.
The berachah Hatov vehameitiv is said only when there is another person with you who is also drinking from both wines, for that is implied [in the text of the berachah] "He is good" — to the person "and he is benevolent" — to his companion; and the same law applies if your wife and children are with you. But, if you are alone, you do not say [Hatov vehameitiv] over it (the second wine).
When a guest eats at the table of his host, and the host places the wine bottle on the table so that whoever wishes may drink, as is done at lavish feasts, then the wine is considered as communal property, and the berachah Hatov vehameitiv is said. But if the host doles out a cup of wine to each guest, Hatov vehameitiv is not said, since they have no "proprietorship" in the wine and [therefore] even the host does not say [Hatov vehameitiv].
One [of the group] may say the berachah to exempt the entire group, [but] he should first say: Savri... ("Attention...); so that they pay attention to hear [every word of the berachah]; and they should reply: 'Amen' so that they be exempt through his berachah. But, only [is the above applicable] if each one has his glass [of wine] before him to taste at once, so that there will be no interruption between the berachah and the drinking [of the wine].
If you are saying Birkas hamazon over a glass of different wine, you need not say the berachah of Hatov vehameitiv over it because you will have fulfilled your obligation with the Hatov vehameitiv said in Birkas hamazon.
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