Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried
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Chapter 33: Things Forbidden Because They Are Hazardous
It is forbidden to eat fish together with meat, even with poultry fat, because it is hazardous. You should not broil meat together with fish in the same oven if the oven is small, unless either [the meat or the fish] is covered. But in our ovens which are large, you need not be concerned [and it is permissible].
If you eat fish followed by meat or vice versa, you should eat some bread in between and drink some beverage as this will cleanse and rinse [your mouth].
You should be careful of bodily perspiration, for all bodily perspiration is poisonous except that of the face. Therefore, you should be careful not to place any food between your clothes and your body, because of the perspiration. Neither should you put coins into your mouth, for there may be some perspiration on them, and furthermore, many people handle them and there may be sick people among them.
When you smell the odor of food, you should spit out all the saliva in your mouth and not swallow it; for if you swallow it, it could be hazardous, God forbid.
Be careful not to drink water that has been left uncovered.
It is forbidden to place any food or drink underneath a bed even if it is covered, because an evil spirit abides over them. In villages some people keep potatoes and other foods underneath the beds; — they should be warned against this.
You should beware of all things that are hazardous because "Rules that aim to prevent danger are more strict than ritual prohibitions." You must be more concerned with regard to a possible hazard than with a possible violation of a prohibition. It is therefore forbidden to walk in any dangerous place, such as near a leaning wall and over a delapidated bridge. You should not go out alone at night, nor should you sleep alone in a room at night. It is also forbidden to drink water from rivers at night, or to put your mouth into a water spout to drink, lest you swallow something harmful.
It is customary, at the time of the equinox to place a small piece of iron on all beverages and foods, but on food that is cooked or pickled, or kept in salt it is unnecessary.
You must not eat foods and beverages that are repulsive or [eat or drink] out of unclean dishes that are repulsive. Neither should you eat with dirty hands, for all these things are included [in the Biblical injunction,] "Do not make yourself repulsive."6 Even if a person would say that he has no aversion to these things, his opinion is ignored since it defies the accepted norms of society.
An animal or bird that was seriously sick may be eaten after the shechitah (Kosher slaughter). [Nevertheless], those who are meticulous [in their observance] are stringent and do not eat such meat.
It is forbidden to cut down a fruit tree which bears fruit (e. g. an olive tree which produces [at least] a quarter of a kav of olives or a date tree which produces [at least] a kav of dates) because it is hazardous. But if it grows near other trees that are more valuable and it saps their strength, [by depriving them of nutrients] or if you need the space it takes up then, you are allowed to cut it down.
There are some who recommend placing a hot water bottle on the stomach as a remedy for a stomach-ache. This is forbidden as it is dangerous.7
You should not cross a stream whose waters are moving rapidly if the water reaches above the hips, for there is danger of being swept along by the current.
It is forbidden to utter sinister forbodings against a fellow Jew, even just to say [about a missing person], "If so and so were alive he would have come here," for "A covenant was made with the lips."8 You should not frighten a child with an unclean thing, by saying for instance, "A cat or a dog will get you." You should be very careful [to avoid] habitual use of such similar expressions.
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