Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried
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Chapter 190 : The laws of physical preservation and "not to destroy".
It is a positive commandment to make a parapet on one's roof, as it is said: 1 "make a parapet for your roof." The height of the parapet should not be less than ten hand-breadths high. It should be strong enough so that a person can lean against it and not fall. Our roofs which are not used 2 are exempt however it's not only the roof that needs a parapet, rather anything that presents a danger that a person could have an accident there and die, needs a parapet and repair. Anyone who leaves it without a parapet violates a positive commandment and transgresses a negative commandment as it is said: 3 "you shall not bring blood upon you house" e.g; one who has a well in their courtyard is obliged to make an entrenchment ten hand-breadths high, or to cover it so no one will fall in.
- Ex. 23:5.
- Meaning the houses in Eastern Europe which had sloping roofs.
- Deut. 22:8
Similarly any stumbling block that is (potentially) life-threatening, it is a positive commandment to remove it or to guard over it, as it is said: 1 "take heed to yourself and guard your life well", if one left (it) and did not remove these dangerous obstacles, violates a positive commandment and transgresses a negative commandment "...not bring blood" e.g.; if a broken ladder stands in one's house or one's courtyard, or one brings up a vicious dog. 2
- Deut. 4:9
- And one did not remove these dangerous things.
Just as a person must guard his body from loss of a part or damage or harm, as it is written: 1 "take heed to yourself and guard your life well", so one needs to guard one's possessions against loss or damage or harm, and anyone who breaks a utensil or tears a garment or loses food or drink or spoils it or throws money away and also one who spoils anything that can benefit a person, transgresses a negative commandment, as it is said: 2 "you shall not destroy the trees there."
- Deut. 4:9.
- Deut. 20:19.
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