Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried
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Chapter 188 : The laws of a deposit
One who deposits money with his neighbour, in these times when we are all engaged in commerce and it all needs money, we can assume that the depositor will want, that the receiver (of the money) can take it (to use) when he needs, therefore it is allowed for him to use it and it's with him like a loan, however if the depositor showed his intentions that he didn't want it used, e.g.; he sealed it up or tied it with a special knot, then the receiver can't use it.
One who deposits an article with his neighbour, it is forbidden for the receiver to use this article for his own needs, even though the article will not be spoilt by such use, nevertheless he would be like one who borrows without (the owner's) knowledge, and one who borrows without (the owner's) knowledge is (called) a robber. If he knows for sure that the depositor is not concerned about it, then this is permitted. Some (authorities) forbade also this because it is a deposit, even with an article that it is not usual to deposit, it is still forbidden, because one is making use of a deposit, even in these circumstances, and one should be strict.
One is obliged to look after the article in the best possible way as one would look after one's own articles, even if one doesn't take such care with one's own articles, with a deposit one is obliged to be more careful.
The receiver is not allowed to deposit the article with someone else even if they are proper people and more trustworthy than him, unless the depositor is also accustomed to deposit such articles with them.
On returning the deposit one should not return it to one of the (depositor's) household without his knowledge, and similarly when one comes to give back some article which he borrowed or to pay back his debt. However one can return it to the (depositor's) wife, for it may be assumed that she manages the house and the husband gives everything into her charge.
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