Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried
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Chapter 186 : The laws concerning "you shall not muzzle".
Whoever prevents a domestic animal from eating while working is punished as it is said: 1 "You shall not muzzle the ox when he treads out the corn" It's the same for an ox or any other animal or beast whether unclean or clean, whether treading (out the corn) or any other work of the field, and (the text) said an ox and treading (the corn) just as an example, and even muzzling by one's voice, e.g.; one shouted at it so that it wouldn't eat, is liable to punishment. 2
- Deut. 25:4
- Stripes - being beaten across the back and front with a strip of doubled leather. From 3 to 39 strokes were given depending on the offence.
A Jew who threshes, even with the cow of a non-Jew, ותבואה של אינו יהודי the grain of the non-Jew, transgresses because of "You shall not muzzle"
If the animal can't eat because because it's thirsty, it must be watered.
An animal which is working on produce which is bad for its digestive system may be muzzled, for the Torah was strict only on the animal's enjoyment, and in this case it will not enjoy.
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