Chapter 174 : Chapter 174 The Laws of Tree Grafting
The prohibition against the grafting of diverse tree species is implied in the verse: "You shall not sow your field with diverse seeds." Therefore it is forbidden to graft a branch of one kind of tree upon another, such as the branch of an apple tree upon a citron tree, or a branch of citron upon an apple tree. Even between similar species, like a branch of a [cultivated] apple tree upon a wild apple tree, since they are two varieties of apples, they are forbidden to be grafted with one another. A Jew is forbidden to allow a non-Jew to graft two diverse kinds of trees for him.
It is forbidden to maintain a tree upon which another kind has been grafted, but it is permitted to eat its fruit. It is permitted to take a branch of a grafted tree and plant it elsewhere.
Sowing a vineyard with two kinds of seeds, or sowing a field with two kinds of seeds, is not prohibited outside of
Eretz Yisroel unless you have sown two kinds of grain or two kinds of vegetables together with the seeds of the vineyard.