Chapter 126 : Chapter 126 Commemorating the Destruction of the Beis Hamikdash
After the
Beis Hamikdash was destroyed, our Sages, of blessed memory, ordained that on every joyous occasion, there should be a remembrance of the destruction of the
Beis Hamikdash, as it is written: "If I forget you, Jerusalem, if I fail to elevate Jerusalem above my foremost joy" (Psalms 137:5). They decreed that no Jew should build a house for himself that is lime-plastered and decorated like a royal palace. Neither should he lime plaster his entire house, but he may plaster the house, with clay and then lime plaster, it (lit. whitewash it), and he should leave a space of one square
amah opposite the entrance unplastered, as a reminder of the destruction [of the
Beis Hamikdash. ] We do not know of any good reason why people do not observe this custom nowadays.
They also ordained that if you are setting a table, and are having guests for a meal, even for a meal that is considered a mitzvah, you should not serve all the dishes that are conventionally served at a meal. They also ordained that a woman should not wear all her jewelry at one occasion, and that a bridegroom before the
chuppah [wedding ceremony], should have ashes put on his head on the place where the
tefillin are worn, and the veil, with which the bride is covered, should not contain any silver or gold threads. It is also customary, that after the
tenaim [engagement agreement] has been read to break a plate, as a reminder of the destruction of the
Beis Hamikdash, but a damaged plate is used (for that purpose). Under the
chuppah the bridegroom breaks a glass, and for this purpose, a whole glass may be used.
They also decreed, that we should not listen to musical instruments not even to the singing of songs. During meals, you should sing only the traditional
zemiros [songs of praise], like those we sing on Shabbos; but it is forbidden to sing other songs.
Take heed not to attend animal shows presented by non-Jews or their dances or any of their social functions. When you hear them giving voice to their happiness, you should sigh and agonize over the destruction of Jerusalem, and pray for it unto the Holy One blessed is He. Even animal shows presented by Jews, are forbidden because it is a "Gathering of scorners." All kinds of rejoicing are forbidden, except making a groom and a bride happy which may be done both by singing and with musical instruments. But even at a wedding, you should not overdo the merry making. It is forbidden for anybody to laugh exuberantly in this world, even when rejoicing in the performance of a mitzvah, for it is said: "
Then our mouth will be filled with laughter" (Psalms 126:2). [When Hashem will return the captivity to Zion].