Chapter 119 : Chapter 119 The Seder
Although on every other Shabbos and Yom Tov, you are permitted to say
kiddush and eat a meal while it is still day, in order to add from the secular to the holy, on
Pesach, you are not permitted to do so. The mitzvah of eating matzah must be performed only at night, as was the case with the
Pesach sacrifice, about which it is written, "And they shall eat the meat (of the
Korban Pesach) on this night." (Exodus 12:8). The mitzvah of the Four Cups may also be done only after nightfall. Since the cup of wine, over which we say
kiddush, is one of the Four Cups, the
kiddush should not be said until it is definitely night. (The person who conducts the
seder) puts on the kittel and takes his seat to conduct the
seder. It is a mitzvah to distribute almonds, nuts and similar things to the children, so that they notice the change and ask questions, and this will also stimulate them to ask also the reasons for eating matzah,
maror and reclining. Boys and girls who have reached the age of training for mitzvos, that is, who are able to understand the holiness of Yom Tov and understand what is being told about the Exodus from Egypt, should also be given a cup of wine, from which they should drink. It is customary to fill an additional cup of wine, and it is called "The Cup of Elijah the Prophet."
A servant or a member of the household should fill the cups, and each time the cups are filled, they should fill them, rather than doing it yourself. This conveys an impression of freedom. You should instruct the members of the household to drink at least the greater part of each cup at one time, and of the fourth cup, they should drink a
revi'is at one time. All should have in mind to fulfill the mitzvah of drinking the Four Cups (of wine), and of relating the story of the Exodus, and eating matzah and
maror, because women, too, are required to perform these mitzvos, except that they do not recline. You recite the
kiddush, as it is written in the
Haggadah, and drink the wine while reclining on your left side. It is best, if possible, to follow the opinion of the authorities, and to drink the entire contents of all the Four Cups.
After that, you should wash your hands, without saying the berachah, dry them, and cut the
karpas for yourself and for all the members of the household, giving each less than a
kazayis. Each dips his portion in salt water and says the berachah
Borei peri ha'adamah "Who creates the fruit of the ground." They should have in mind to exempt the
maror which will be eaten later with this berachah, and while eating the
karpas, they should also recline on the left side. The person who leads the Seder then takes the middle matzah and breaks it into two parts, placing the larger part near his seat for the
afikoman. It is customary to wrap the
afikoman in a napkin, to recall what is written, "Their leftover dough was wrapped in their clothes" (Exodus 12:34). Some people place it on their shoulders, to recall the Exodus. Since the
afikoman takes the place of the
Pesach sacrifice, it is most esteemed, and the larger portion of the matzah is set aside for it. The smaller portion, is put back on the
seder plate. He then uncovers the matzos slightly, lifts the
seder plate, and all declare
Ha lachma anya diachalu, "This is the bread of affliction, which our forefathers ate etc. to
leshanah haba'ah benei chorin, "Next year we shall be free men." Those who say,
Keha lachma anya (
keha instead of
ha), "Such as this bread of affliction," should omit the word
di (which).
The second cup is now filled, and a child asks:
Mah nishtanah "Why is this night different." If there is no child present, then an older son or daughter should ask, or a friend or your wife should ask. Then
Avadim hayinu (we were slaves) etc. is said. It is proper to explain to the members of the family the contents of the
Haggadah in the language they understand. If you do not understand Hebrew, you should use a
Haggadah with a translation, and after completing each paragraph, you should repeat from the translation, and particularly, the declaration,
Rabban Gamliel hayah omeir (Rabban Gamliel used to say,) because it is essential to understand the reasons for the
Pesach sacrifice, matzah and
maror. At
Vehi she'amedah (this promise) etc. you should cover the matzos (so that the matzah is not slighted when it seems that we are ignoring it, by lifting only the cup of wine). All take their cups in their hands and say,
Vehi she'amedah, to
miyadam, (from their hands), when you again uncover the matzos. When you say
Matzah zo (this matzah) etc., you should take the half matzah from the
seder plate, and show it to the family and say,
Matzah zo (this matzah etc.). When saying
Maror zeh (this
maror), you should lift the
maror. However, when saying
Pesach shehayu avoseinu ochelim (the
Pesach offering which our fathers ate etc.), you should not raise the shankbone, which is a reminder of the
Pesach offering, for it might appear as if you had set it apart for a
Pesach offering, (which can only be done in the
Beis Hamikdash). When saying,
Lefichach (Therefore), you should cover the matzos, and each person takes his cup in his hand and raises it, holding it until concluding with
Ga'al Yisrael, (Who redeemed Israel). Everyone then says the berachah,
Borei peri hagafen, over their cup of wine, and drink the cup, while reclining on the left side.
After that, everyone should wash their hands, and say the berachah,
Al netilas yadayim, and
Hamotzi over the matzos. Since on Yom Tov, we must say
Hamotzi over two whole loaves of bread, and the mitzvah of matzah requires that we eat the broken one, because matzah is called "poor man's bread," and a poor man generally eats broken pieces of bread, therefore, when saying
Hamotzi, you should take the two whole matzos in your hands and the broken one between them, and recite
Hamotzi. You then put down the bottom matzah, holding only the top, and the broken middle matzah, and say the berachah,
Al achilat matzah. You then break off a piece the size of a
kazayis, from the top matzah and from the broken middle matzah. You distribute the same quantity to every member of the family. Then you eat both pieces simultaneously, while reclining on the left side. If it is difficult for you to eat both pieces of matzah at the same time, you should first eat the
kazayis piece over which you said
Hamotzi, and then eat the
kazayis piece from the broken matzah. But you should not pause between eating the two pieces, and eat both pieces while reclining. It is the custom in our region, at the
seder, not to dip the matzah in salt; neither the matzah, over which
Hamotzi is said, nor the one over which
Al achilas matzah is said.
If someone is unable to chew the matzah, he is permitted to soak it in water to soften it, provided it is not completely mashed. An elderly or sick person, who cannot eat matzah, when soaked in water, may soak it in wine, or in any other beverage. When you soak the matzah, with which you want to fulfill the mitzvah (of eating matzah), you must be careful not to soak it for twenty-four hours, for it would then be considered as if it were cooked and you could not fulfill the mitzvah with it. You must also be careful, in other respects, that the matzah should not lose its status as bread. See Chapter 48:5 above.
You then take a
kazayis of
maror, and distribute portions of the same quantity to each member of the family. You dip it in the
charoses, and shake off the
charoses, so that the
maror should not lose its taste, and say the berachah,
Al achilas maror, and eat it
without reclining. You then take a
kazayis from the bottom matzah and a
kazayis maror. It is also proper to dip (this
maror) in
charoses and shake it off. You then place the
maror between (two pieces of) matzah and say,
Kein asa Hillel (This is the way Hillel did it) etc. and eat it while reclining. The size of a
kazayis, as we have written in the general rules, is as much as half an egg. However, some authorities hold, that it is a little less than one-third of an egg. Since the mitzvah of eating
maror is in our days a rabbinical requirement, therefore, a person, who finds it difficult to eat
maror, may rely on this (more lenient) opinion, and eat a little less than one third of an egg, and say the berachah over it. A person who is sick and cannot eat
maror at all, should, nevertheless, chew a little of any of the species, with which the mitzvah of
maror may be fulfilled, or any bitter tasting herb, until he feels a bitter taste in his mouth; just as a token, without saying a berachah.
After that the meal begins. It is proper to eat the entire meal while reclining It is customary to eat eggs. It is wise to use good judgment, and not overeat, so that you will be able to eat the
afikoman, as required, (with appetite), and not on a full stomach. Roast meat should not be eaten, on the two
seder nights, not even roast poultry. Even if it was boiled and then pot roasted, it should not be eaten. Some have the custom not to eat any food dipped in liquid, on the
seder nights, except the two required dipped foods, so that it should be prominently recognized that these two are mitzvos. After completing the meal, the
afikoman is eaten to remind us of the
Pesach sacrifice, which was eaten at the end of the meal so that you should be completely satiated. It is proper to eat two
kazeisim (of matzah for the
afikoman), one to remind us of the
Pesach sacrifice, and the other to recall the matzah that was eaten with the
korban Pesach . At any rate, you should not eat less than a
kazayis, and you should eat the
afikoman, while reclining. After eating the
afikoman, it is forbidden to eat anything. The third cup is then filled for
Birkas Hamazon. You must make sure that it is clean, not containing leftover wine, that is to say, nothing is left from the wine, in which matzah may have been soaked during the meal. If it is not clean, it requires washing and rinsing (See Chapter 45:4 above). It is a mitzvah to make an effort to recite
Birkas Hamazon with
zimun (three males), but you should not go from house to house to look for people required for
zimun, because each person is required to say
Birkas Hamazon in the place where he has eaten. It is customary for the master of the house to lead the
zimun as it is said: "A man of a good eye shall bless," (Proverbs 22:9) (see Ch. 45:5) and he is called, "A man of good eye," (i.e. a generous person) because he said: "All who are hungry—let them come and eat" etc. After
Birkas Hamazon, the berachah is said over the third cup, and you should drink it while reclining. It is forbidden to drink between this cup and the fourth cup.
Birkas Hamazon, the fourth cup is filled. It is the custom to open the door, to remind us that tonight is a night of Divine vigil, and we are not afraid of anything. In the merit of our faith in Hashem, our righteous
Mashiach will come, and the Holy One, blessed is He, will pour out his anger on the nations. Therefore, we recite
Shefoch chamasecha (Pour out Your anger) etc. After that, we say,
Lo lanu (Not for us) and continue reciting the
Hallel. When we reach
Hodu (Give thanks), if there are three people present, even if they are his wife and children, who have reached the age of training for mitzvos, the leader should say
Hodu, and the other two people respond, as it is done in the synagogue. You are required to drink a full revi's from the fourth cup, after which you say the after-berachah. You then recite the
Haggadah to the end. After the fourth cup, it is forbidden to drink any beverage, except water. If you are not too sleepy, you should say
Shir hashirim after the
Hagadah. It is customary not to say the bedtime
Shema, except for the section of
Shema and the berachah
Hamapil, to indicate that it is a night of divine vigil when Hashem protects us from all evil, and we need no other protection.
A person, who does not drink wine all year, because it causes him discomfort, nevertheless should make a special effort to drink the Four Cups, as our Rabbis, of blessed memory, relate about Rabbi Yehudah bar Rabbi Ilai, who used to drink the Four Cups of wine on
Pesach, and then he would have to wrap his temples until
Shavuos (because of the headache the wine gave him). However, such a person may dilute the wine with water, or drink raisin wine, (see Chapter 50:6 above), or he may drink mead, if these are the "beverage of the country"
If the
afikoman was lost, and you still have matzah left of those that were made specifically for the mitzvah, you should eat a
kazayis of that matzah, otherwise, you should eat a
kazayis of any other matzah.
If you forgot to eat the
afikoman; and reminded yourself before saying
Birkas Hamazon, although you already had washed your hands at the end of the meal or said, "Come, let us say the blessings," you may eat the
afikoman, and do not have to say
Hamotzi. And even though you had not intended to eat anymore, this does not constitute a diversion of the mind, since it is your duty to eat the
afikoman, and are sitting at Hashem's table, (and must fulfill His will; thus you were not completely distracted). Nevertheless, you should wash your hands, without saying
Al netilas yadayim. But if you did not remind yourself, until after saying
Birkas Hamazon, before saying
Borei peri hagafen over the third cup, then you should wash your hands again, without saying,
Al netilas yadayim, and recite the berachah of
Hamotzi, eat a
kazayis of the
afikoman, say
Birkas Hamazon; then say the berachah over the third cup, and drink it. But if you only reminded yourself after saying
Borei peri hagafen over the third cup, you should drink the cup. If on other occasions you are accustomed to recite
Birkas Hamazon, without a cup of wine, you should wash your hands, eat the
afikoman, and say
Birkas Hamazon without a cup of wine. However, if you are scrupulous, and always says
Birkas Hamazon, over a cup of wine, and now cannot do it, because you would be adding to the four cups, (which is forbidden), then you should not eat the
afikoman, but rely on the matzah, which you ate before.