Chapter 104 : Chapter 104 Laws of Chol Hamoed (Intermediate Days of a Yom Tov)
Chol Hamoed it is forbidden to do certain
melachos, while others are permitted, namely, all work that is necessary for the preparation of food for
Chol Hamoed or Yom Tov. Any
melachah that is done to prevent a loss, that is, if by not doing it you will incur a loss, may be done. But you should be very careful not to do any
melachah that is forbidden on
Chol Hamoed because our Rabbis, of blessed memory, said: "He who desecrates
Chol Hamoed is considered as though he worshipped idols."
In addition, our Rabbis, of blessed memory, said: "He who disgraces
Chol Hamoed, even though he has to his credit Torah and good deeds, has no share in the World to Come." Disgracing
Chol Hamoed implies not honoring it with better food and wearing better clothes. Therefore, every man is obligated to honor it according to his means, and to wear dignified clothing.
Work, which, if not done, would result in a loss, may be done even by another Jew, even for payment. But, if no loss would result, but the work is needed for the festival, it should not be done by another Jew for pay, but by a non-Jew. And if you cannot find a non-Jew, and you are unable to do it yourself, it is permitted to have it done, even by a Jew for pay.
The law that permits
melachah in order to prevent a loss, applies only if it was impossible for you to do it before Yom Tov, but if it was possible for you to do it before Yom Tov, and you left it for
Chol Hamoed, you are forbidden to do it on
Chol Hamoed.
Any work that is forbidden on
Chol Hamoed, [is permitted in the following circumstances,] if a Jew does not have enough food for
Chol Hamoed and Yom Tov, it is permitted to give him work, so that he will have something to eat, but he should do it in private. It is forbidden to have such work done by a non-Jew, but if it is needed for a mitzvah, it is permitted.
melachos that are permitted, are forbidden to be done for a non-Jew.
It is forbidden to fertilize a field. Even to put sheep in a field to fertilize it with manure is forbidden. Even to have it done by a non-Jew is forbidden.
Planting is forbidden. However if you have seeds that will spoil completely, unless they are put into water, you are permitted to water [soak] them.
It is forbidden to pluck or cut off anything that is growing, unless the fruit will spoil [if left] until after Yom Tov. It is permitted to pluck what you need to eat on Yom Tov, and you do not have to skimp. You may pick a generous quantity, and if there is some left over, it does not matter. Also, wood that is needed for heating on the festival, is permitted to be cut from a growing tree. If it is necessary to pick something in order to feed your animals, it should be done in an irregular way. It is forbidden to collect wood from a field in order to improve it for plowing. But if it is obvious that you intend it for your own need, because you need the wood, for example, if you take the big pieces and leave the small ones, it is permissible. Similarly, it is forbidden to cut off the (soft) branches of a tree in order to trim it. But if it is obvious that your purpose is to feed the branches to your animals, and not to trim the tree, for example, if you cut all the branches from one side of the tree, it is permitted.
If you have a garden adjacent to a garden of a non-Jew, and the non-Jew is gathering his fruit, and if you do not gather (your fruit), you will incur a loss, you are permitted to gather them. And if they are fruits that will spoil when they are picked, unless you do additional
melachah, you are permitted to do everything [that is necessary] even to press grapes to make wine or similar
melachos, provided you did not intentionally leave this work to be done on
Chol Hamoed.
It is forbidden to shave on
Chol Hamoed, even if you shaved on
erev Yom Tov. But a person who has been released from jail, even if he was released
erev Yom Tov, but had no time to shave then, is permitted to shave on
Chol Hamoed.
Cutting your nails is also forbidden, but if you cut them on
erev Yom Tov, you are permitted to cut them also on
Chol Hamoed. A woman is also permitted (to cut her nails) for the ritual immersion.
It is forbidden to launder anything, even (clothes) needed for the festivals, unless it was impossible to wash them before Yom Tov. Since (babies) urinate all the time, and you need many diapers, you are permitted to wash them, but you should be careful to wash them in privacy.
Anything required to restore health, is permitted to be done, either for man or beast.
It is permitted to record bills and similar records which, if not recorded will be forgotten because it is considered prevention of a loss. You are permitted to write whatever is necessary for the needs of Yom Tov, but it is forbidden to write anything else. Social letters that friends write to each other, should be written with a slight change, like writing the first line unevenly. For everything that you are permitted to write, you are also permitted to prepare a pen and ink.
A person who needs money, even if not for Yom Tov needs, and is afraid that he might not get a loan after Yom Tov, and the lender refuses to give a loan without receiving a note, is permitted to write such a note.
Weddings are not performed on
Chol Hamoed because one kind of rejoicing should not be mixed with another. But one is permitted to remarry the woman he divorced. It is permitted to make a feast for a circumcision, or the redemption of a firstborn. It is also permitted to make a feast for an engagement.
It is permitted to hire workers, even Jews, to do work for you after Yom Tov.
You are permitted to go outside the
techum, either on foot or in a vehicle, or on horseback.
It is not permitted to mate a male animal with a female animal, because no loss is sustained [by delaying it]
You are not allowed to set a chicken on eggs to hatch them. If you set her before the festival and she ran away, if it is within three days from the time she ran away, you are permitted to put her back, but after three days, you are forbidden to put her back, even if the eggs will be spoiled. And to set another in her place, even within three days is forbidden.