Thursday, July 18, 2024
Withhold your tongue as you would withhold your money.

- Ibn Gevirol -

Daily Sayings

More from
Ibn Gevirol

We can never say to ourselves that we are so deeply entrenched in sin that nothing can help us. With courage and conviction, we can move forward in repentance, knowing that Hashem will help.

Our sages recommended that a man should spend less than his means on food, according to his means on dress, and beyond his means for his wife and children.


Daily Tehillim Effort

The world is in serious trouble...

We can try to help it by collectively saying the entire sefer Tehillim daily. Click the link to select one or more to participate.

Please sign up to say a portion of Tehillim daily.

We are trying to have the whole Sefer Tehillim said daily as a z'chus for the safety of the Jews in Eretz Yisroel.

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Our Contacts

25952 Greenfield Rd.
Oak Park, MI 48237
Phone: 248-229-9320