There is nothing more wholesome in the entire world than a broken Jewish heart.
- R. Menachem Mendel of Kotzk -
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R. Menachem Mendel of Kotzk
On his birthday, one should spend time in seclusion. He should recall his experiences and think deeply into them. He should then repent and correct those (of his past deeds) that need correction and repentance.
If the rebuke was ineffectual, you are certainly the one responsible, for yours were not words coming from the heart.
Wearing Tefillin every day is a mitzva commanded by the Torah to every individual. It is likewise an absolute duty for every person to spend half an hour each day thinking about the Torah - education of children.
When you plow and you sow - things will grow.
The theme of Pesach Sheini is that it is never too late. It is always possible to put things right. Even if one was... impure, or far away, even in a case when this was deliberate - one can nonetheless correct such a situation.
Our work is to illuminate, to enlighten the world with the light of the Torah.
Jewish wealth is not houses and gold. The everlasting Jewish wealth is: Being Jews who keep Torah and mitzvoth, and bringing into the world children and grandchildren who keep Torah and mitzvoth.
Better to eat (before praying) for the sake of davening than daven for the sake of eating.
The command You shall rebuke is preceded by the words You shall not hate your brother, for this is a precondition for the rebuke.
Cherish criticism, for it will place you on the true heights.
It was a frequent customary remark of the Rebbe (Baal Shem Tov) that love of Israel is love of G-d. You are children of Hashem your G-d, when one loves the father one loves the children.
The greatest guaranteed assurance (of Divine assistance) for all Jewish parents in need of special help for their children is through their support of those who study Torah.
Time must be guarded. Every bit of time, every day that passes, is not just a day, but a life concern.
The hours must be counted hours, then the days will be counted days. Rebbe Rashab quoted the Alter Rebbe: A summer day and a winter night are a year in themselves.
The soul above awaits the time when it will be privileged to descend into a body. The soul senses how much it can accomplish here below... so what is everyone waiting for?
When R. Shmuel of Lubavitch was seven, his father once remarked to him: The kindness and special quality in G-d's making man upright, to walk erectly, is that though he walks on the earth he sees the Heavens; not so with beasts that go on all fours: they see only the earth.
There are two general approaches in healing a bodily illness: a) to heal the particular organ or faculty that is defective, sick or weak; b) to strengthen the healthy organs and faculties so that they may overcome and heal those not well. The parallel in illnesses of the soul are the two approaches in service of G-d Teshuva (repentance) and good deeds.
You need to illuminate your environment with Torah and avoda of the heart (praying). Livelihood and what you need - that G-d must provide for you. You do what you must, and G-d will do what He must.
A Rav must remember at all times and at every moment that he always stands on the threshold between being one of those who bring merit to the public and G-d forbid, one of those who cause the public to sin - the loftiest of heights and the most abysmal depth.
Groaning in and of itself wont do a bit of good. A groan is only a key to open the heart and eyes, so as not to sit there with folded arms, but to plan orderly work...
Every Jew, man or woman, possesses enough moral and spiritual strength to influence friends and acquaintances, and bring them to the light.
In material matters, one who is satisfied with his lot is an individual of the highest quality... In spiritual matters, however, to be satisfied with ones lot is the worst deficiency, and leads, G-d forbid, to spiritual descent and falling.
A single act is better than a thousand groans, quit the groaning and work hard... and G-d will be gracious to you.
Whoever has faith in individual Divine Providence, knows that Mans steps are established by G-d, that this particular soul must purify and improve something specific in a particular place... Since the worlds creation, that which needs purification or improvement waits for this soul to come and purify it.
When a day passes one should know what he has accomplished and what remains yet to be done. In general, one should always see to it that tomorrow should be much better than today.
Chassidus is Divine Intelligence and Understanding, which shows man how small he is, yet how great he can become
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