Halacha Yomis
March 11, 2025
Do not overburden them (children). Teach quietly and gently, and give them pennies, for study cannot penetrate the mind unless pursued with tranquility and pleasure.
Man enters the world with his hands clenched as if to say, The entire world is mine, and when he passes away, his hands are unclenched as if to say, I have taken nothing from this world.
Even on the threshold of war, we (Jews) are bidden to begin in no other way than with peace, for it is written: When you draw near a city to fight, first offer it peace.
The world is in serious trouble...
We can try to help it by collectively saying the entire sefer Tehillim daily. Click the link to select one or more to participate.
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We are trying to have the whole Sefer Tehillim said daily as a z'chus for the safety of the Jews in Eretz Yisroel.