Do not overburden them (children). Teach quietly and gently, and give them pennies, for study cannot penetrate the mind unless pursued with tranquility and pleasure.
- Vilna Gaon -
More from
Vilna Gaon
Just as G-d is limitless, so is our avodah (service of G-d) limitless.
A prayer which is not spoken in the name of all Israel, is no prayer at all.
Gold and silver are purified by fire. If you feel no improvement after praying, either you are made of base metal, or your prayer lacked heat.
The more a person confines his speech, the closer he can come to holiness.
You should serve your Maker as though there were only one man on earth, yourself.
At New Years, G-d is in that concealment which is called sitting on the throne, and anyone can see him, - everyone according to his own nature: one in weeping, one in prayer, and one in the song of praise.
Rabbi, they said, how afraid we are that evil urge will pursue us? Don't worry - he replied. You have not gotten high enough for it to pursue you. For the time being, you are still pursuing it.
Daily Tehillim Effort
The world is in serious trouble...
We can try to help it by collectively saying the entire sefer Tehillim daily. Click the link to select one or more to participate.

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We are trying to have the whole Sefer Tehillim said daily as a z'chus for the safety of the Jews in Eretz Yisroel.
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