Halacha Yomis
March 11, 2025
There are two general approaches in healing a bodily illness: a) to heal the particular organ or faculty that is defective, sick or weak; b) to strengthen the healthy organs and faculties so that they may overcome and heal those not well. The parallel in illnesses of the soul are the two approaches in service of G-d Teshuva (repentance) and good deeds.
The top of the ladder leading to perfection is humility. He who has it has everything else.
The world is in serious trouble...
We can try to help it by collectively saying the entire sefer Tehillim daily. Click the link to select one or more to participate.
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We are trying to have the whole Sefer Tehillim said daily as a z'chus for the safety of the Jews in Eretz Yisroel.