The world is full of enormous light and mysteries, and man shuts them out from himself with one small hand.
- Baal Shem Tov -
More from
Baal Shem Tov
A person should always [take care] not cast his thoughts backwards [to the past], for his eyes are placed on his face and not his back.
What restrains animals from doing harm is something external: a bridle or a bit. But a man's restraints lie within himself.
Men cling to the opinions to which they are accustomed from youth. This prevents them from finding the truth, for they adhere to the opinions of habit.
Mans obsession to add to his wealth and honor is the chief source of his misery.
Our sages recommended that a man should spend less than his means on food, according to his means on dress, and beyond his means for his wife and children.
A man should never stop learning, even on his last day.
Daily Tehillim Effort
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