Sunday, February 09, 2025
It is easier for a Jew to proclaim Hashem is king of the universe than for him to acknowledge that G-d is king over himself.

- R. Yisroel Salanter, zt''l -

Daily Sayings

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R. Yisroel Salanter, zt''l

Once a fiddler played so sweetly that all who heard him began to dance, and whoever came near enough to hear, joined in the dance. Then a deaf man who knew nothing of music, happened along, and to him all he saw seemed the action of madmen - senseless and in bad taste.

Just as there are stars in the heaven that appear in our eyes as mere, tiny dots, yet we know they are mighty worlds; so too, there are Jews in this world who seem lowly and oppressed, but in Heaven they are very mighty too.

Always be happy. Think and believe that the Divine Presence is always near you and is watching over you.

The main reason man was created out of both (physical) matter and (spiritual) form was to purify the physical and transform the physical into spiritual.

Every word (of a prayer) is a complete concept, and you must place all your strengh into it. If you do not, it remains incomplete.

When the body is sick, the soul is also weakened. A person then cannot worship properly, even if he is free from sin. You should therefore watch your health very carefully.

The main rule in serving G-d is that you should keep yourself from sadness and depression to the very best of your ability.

The world is full of enormous light and mysteries, and man shuts them out from himself with one small hand.

Where a person places his thoughts, that is where all of him is.

King David said, G-d is your Shadow... G-d just like a persons shadow, reflecting his every move.

Pray with great joy. This is certainly more acceptable before G-d than prayer that is in sadness and with tears. This can be understood with a parable: When a poor man supplicates and petitions the king, he is only given a small sum no matter how much he cries. But a prince praises the king, and in the midst of this also presents his petition. The king then gives him generous gifts, as befits a prince.

To pull a friend out of the mud, do not hesitate to get dirty.


Daily Tehillim Effort

The world is in serious trouble...

We can try to help it by collectively saying the entire sefer Tehillim daily. Click the link to select one or more to participate.

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We are trying to have the whole Sefer Tehillim said daily as a z'chus for the safety of the Jews in Eretz Yisroel.

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